


Ich habe mein Wort gehalten.
Heute abend habe ich auf der Straße eine Frau angehalten. ;o)
Sie hat mich etwas verwirrt angesehen, schließlich ist es auch schon ziemlich spät und kalt und dunkel.
Aber nachdem ich ihr erklärt habe worum es geht, hat sie mir freundlich geholfen und den Gewinner des FQ Päckchens aufgeschrieben.

I stayed true to my word. ;o)
 I stopped a woman on the street tonight.
She looked at me a bit confused, after all it is pretty late already and cold and dark outside.
But after I explained my reasons to her, she kindly helped by drawing the winner of the fq bundle.

Und der Gewinner ist:
And the winner is:
Kommentar Nr.5 / comment No.5
who said:
"What a great giveaway! I love your method to choose the winner! Hahahaha. Very funny!
I hope you dont have a BMW. Do you? I read this today and I thought its funny.
Whats the difference between a hedgehog and a BMW? In the BMW the pricks are inside. Ooops, it was funny because I have a friend that is always complaining about BMWs, and we are Spaniards. The joke was in Englis, so I guess its a wide known thing?"
I will send your fabric on it's way to Spain tomorrow. :o)

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